I presented on H5P Technology at the 2018 EdTechPosium at the Australian Catholic University, Canberra Campus. I illustrated my top 2 H5P content types; Interactive Video and Course Presentation to demonstrate the depth and breadth of this amazing technology. The Interactive Video, allows the author to embed videos and then have quizzes or text responses overlayed at any chosen time in the video. The Course Presentation content type is like PowerPoint but on steroids! It lays out content in a slideshow style format and is the most diverse tool offering around 16 different types of interactions and content.
All these content types capture students’ interactions and input directly into the Gradebook in Moodle and other LMSs. I also mentioned some upcoming content types and features H5P was working on. H5P is now providing its software as a service called which is a fully hosting service for those who want to use H5P for a fee without having to set up and maintain their own website or hosting solution for H5P. I demonstrated how this works from a vendor’s perspective and how Moodle functions with LTI. In this part, I focused on the power of learner analytics in H5p.com and how students’ interactive data is collected and presented for teachers.