
Speaking Events

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EdTechPosium 2018

In this post, I outline the first conference I presented at showcasing some examples of H5P content types and demonstrated the depth and breadth of this amazing technology

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EdTechPosium 2021

In this post, I explain how I adapted a PDF resource called Communicate Clearly - A Guide to Plan English into a highly interactive learning activity using H5P's Course Presentation.

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Ed-Tech Symposium 2022

Find out about how I adapted traditional resources into highly interactive learning activities using H5P's Course Presentation & Interactive Book.

Vietnamese Language Learning

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Lesson example : Xin Chào | Greetings

In this post, I explain how I developed a micro-lesson that focuses on basic greetings between teachers and students in Vietnam using the Northern accent at a beginners level in H5P's Course Presentation.

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Vietnamese for travellers #1: At the airport

In this post, I explain how I developed a lesson in Vietnamese for travellers - At the airport based on a Vietlingo Youtube video clip using H5P's Course Presentation.